TechDig Version 1.1 This is the new release of TechDig, a tool for digitizing data from an image of graph or plot. TechDig can import images from .pcx or .bmp files, or pasted from the clipboard. TechDig is a shareware program. See the file register.txt for registration information. The shareware version is not crippled in any way. This new version fixes several bugs and adds some automatic digitization features. See the HISTORY section below for changes. This package may be redistributed, as long as no fee is charged for the distribution, and the following files are included without modification: readme.txt register.txt liscense.wri techdig.wri techdig.hlp techdig.exe grid.vbx install.exe INSTALLATION: Run the install program from the File|Run menu on File Manager or Program Manager. Enter the source and destination directories (Install will create the destination directory if necessary) Select OK The author can be reached as Ronald Jones 3715 Lexington Dr. Hoffman Estates, IL 60195 HISTORY: TechDig 1.0 -- Initial release TechDig 1.1 fixed bug that could overwrite the image file with the data file fixed bug that cleared log attribute on x-axis when Axis Settings dialog was opened increased the size of the axis selection indicator added snap to centroid added coordinate display to status bar fixed resource leak in drawing blue crosses digitize lines undo last digitized points